ARK 2022 Summer Bash Event


Wild Card has provided us with another Event, and it's called SUMMER BASH !!

LAN Basement Zone clustered maps, will activate this event in the evening of July 2
and let it run for the entire month of July,
(which is 2 week longer than official, but who in their right mind plays on official ???)
While the Summer bash this year seems to be mostly about XP, harvest and baby rates
(all of which are not effective on our cluster), there are emotes, skins, and chibis available to be had.

To craft these items you will need to use a VANILLA cooking pot
(do not use the SS Cooking Pot for these event items)

Finally, wild creatures will have "summer" colours.
If you didn't know we use a mod called "Best Egg" which will actually lets you choose the colours on your new additions to the family, and not rely on the parents or mutations, to get a different colour for the offspring.

There is a video in the #workshop-mods channel (Discord) showing its use

Official Reference to Summer Bash

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